4-H for First Nations
First Nations Ag & Finance has embarked on an important funding program aimed at helping initiate and support the development of 4-H clubs in Ontario First Nations communities.
The 4-H for First Nations program provides financial support to First Nations 4-H clubs to help cover the costs associated with agriculturally related projects. By providing funding the goal is to reduce barriers to participation and help ensure First Nations youth have the opportunity to learn and have experiences they might build upon in the future.
Head – Heart – Health – Hands
4-H offers numerous agriculturally related projects for First Nations youth ranging from growing your own food to beef projects and through 4H for First Nations, First Nations Ag & Finance will provide grants to eligible clubs for project materials and supplies. 4-H for First Nations aims to support ten club projects:
- Ag Awareness
- Field Crops
- Soil Conservation
- Plowing
- Beef
- Power of Produce
- Horse
- Dairy
- Goat
- Poultry
- Swine
- Veterinary
- Maple Syrup
- Farm Machinery
- Safety & Tillage
- Gardening
- Grow Your Own Food
- Potato
- A Taste of Ontario & Vegetables